Tuesday 1 March 2016

Go cool,Go green, and Save the Earth

Go green, and save the Earth

WE CAN, but we don't want to. WE USED TO BE, but we don't think about it. WE HAVE TO ACT NOW, we must try while we can. Go green and save the Earth

A. Mother Earth

The Mother Earth needs millions of years to heal it self, but we don't care about it. The people always car about money, and do not care about environment itself. Indeed money can buy everything, but will it solve everything? NO, it's only make thing worst if it's used for negative purposes. On this chapter i'm gonna show you about what and how things that we used to know endanger our Mother Earth.

1. CFC
CFC can be found in our refrigerators, air conditioners,bug sprayer, especially Freon. This chlorofluorocarbon (Chlorine, Fluorine, Carbon) is a derivative of DDM (dichlorodifluoromethane,(2 Chlorine, 2 Fluorine, Methane)). This CFC endanger the Earth's Ozon layer and makes it thinner, thinner, and thinner.

2. CO2

CO2 (carbondioxide) is a gas on our atmosphere that makes green house effect (if the heat from the sun goes into earth it will trapped inside the atmosphere). This green house effect also makes the temperature goes higher, higher, and higher. It also makes the ice in both pole on our earth melts, and if it melts the water level is going to raise up quickly. The carbondioxide also causes Hypercapnia (this disease caused by the enormous level of carbondioxide in the alveoli).

3. Plastic
Plastic needs thousands of years to decompose itself, at exactly 450-500 years! Now we actually already create decomposable plastic. It only took 1-2 years to decompose itself, but we also have to minimize the usage of plastic. Plastic itself contains a lot of dangerous chemical compounds that can danger our body and earth. There is a lot of plastic variants that already developed and also many purposes that available.

Please wait for other updates. :)

Thursday 19 November 2015

Awesome and remarkable stuffs

Awesome and remarkable stuffs
Do you know our big earth is a very small object for the universe?
Do you know that our universe isn't the only one?
Do you know how big is our universe?

Let me explain it for you.

A. Our Solar System

This is our solar system which is include:

1. Sun
The Sun is the biggest component of our solar system. It's heat protect us from the cold of space, and still it's a star. why do we orbit the sun?, because the Sun has the biggest mass from all of us ( the planets) and it's gravity pulls us to orbit for a long time, until now.

2. Mercury
Mercury is a small planet, and the closest to the sun. This planet nearly doesn't have any atmosphere, that is why the planet's heat is almost -180 - 430 degrees Celsius.

3. Venus
Venus is the hottest planet on the solar system. It's heat reach -220 - 420 degrees Celsius because of
the 95% of the planet's atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide. So, you know how dangerous carbon dioxide is, if we continue using motorized vehicle, our planet heat will raising up quick, and then the ice from arctic and antarctic is melting, the water level is rising and one by one the islands are drowned and soon there is no more island.So please be smart and go green.

4. Earth
Earth is the most suitable planet for living things to live, and this planet have a very thick atmosphere that protect us from the heat of the Sun. This planet has a life support object that is called water. Water is the key of life, if the scientists found water in the outer space, so there might be life in that planet.

5. Mars
Mars is more like earth, but doesn't have much atmosphere pressure to hold water, but on the north and south pole there is ice that is predicted as the frozen water, so there might be life in Mars.

6. Jupiter
Jupiter is the largest planet on the solar system, it's mass is 1/1074 than the sun, so even if Jupiter is the biggest planet on the solar system, the Sun still win!.

7. Saturn
Saturn is a gas structured planet and the second largest planet after Jupiter. It has many followers (a.k.a. moons (62 of them)) ,so Saturn also known as the richest planet on the solar system.

8. Uranus
Uranus's compositions is more like Saturn, but this planet has more ice than any planet on the solar system. "Uranus" name is taken from Greek mythology, Ouranos.

9. Neptune
Neptune is the last planet on the solar system, and for sure the coldest one.

10. Pluto
Why does Pluto doesn't count as a planet?, because on 2005, Pluto is declared as a dwarf planet by IAU (International Astronomical Union), And it's more like a chunk of space rock which is orbiting the Sun.

B. Universe

1. Big Bang Explosion

The first movement of our big universe is at a tiny small dot with an enormous mass and began to erupt, until the Big Bang explosion. The Big Bang explosions creates time and space, and it's mass spreads into everywhere which cause the expansion of the universe, until now the universe is still expanding

2. Our galaxy

Our galaxy (Milky Way) contains our Solar System, at the center of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole which pull anything around it and suck it to nowhere, but don't worry, the length of the black hole to our Solar System is still 27.000 light years (if our Solar System goes around the black hole).

C. Multiverse

Multiverse is a condition if there is "another" (multiple) universe  in our life time. The scientist
begin to know this theory from the black hole and the white hole existence

1. Black Hole

Black Hole is a very strong pulling-object hole that nothing even light can escape from it. A Black Hole continuously absorb everything within it's path and also it has an output called white hole. So, how many Black Holes in our universe? the answer is every galaxy has it's own Black Hole, so if you want to know HOW MUCH Black Holes in our universe, count the galaxies or discover more in the outer space.

2. White Hole

Some people doesn't know about White Hole, and is there any White Hole in our universe. The answer is a possible or impossible theory of Worm Hole existence. A White Hole is the exact opposite of the Black Hole, which "spit" matters that have been sucked up by the Black Hole. In the theory of "Einstein-Rosen Bridge", the existence of a Worm Hole is possible IF we discovered such as this image

3. Worm Hole

Worm Hole or the "Einstein-Rosen Bridge" "can" lead us to "another universe" if we can survive the gamma radiation of the Black Hole. The speed of Worm Hole itself is far more faster than the speed of light. Once we entered the Black Hole we cannot go back into our universe, because we cannot enter the White Hole, it only "spit" the materials and anything that Black Hole absorbs. If we want to go back to our universe we have to search for another Black Hole that leads us to our universe, or we can go trough the normal route instead of shortcut to our universe.

Thanks for reading!
It's my first blog, so i'm sorry for any mistakes
We'll continue searching and blogging for more awesome stuffs for you!