Tuesday 1 March 2016

Go cool,Go green, and Save the Earth

Go green, and save the Earth

WE CAN, but we don't want to. WE USED TO BE, but we don't think about it. WE HAVE TO ACT NOW, we must try while we can. Go green and save the Earth

A. Mother Earth

The Mother Earth needs millions of years to heal it self, but we don't care about it. The people always car about money, and do not care about environment itself. Indeed money can buy everything, but will it solve everything? NO, it's only make thing worst if it's used for negative purposes. On this chapter i'm gonna show you about what and how things that we used to know endanger our Mother Earth.

1. CFC
CFC can be found in our refrigerators, air conditioners,bug sprayer, especially Freon. This chlorofluorocarbon (Chlorine, Fluorine, Carbon) is a derivative of DDM (dichlorodifluoromethane,(2 Chlorine, 2 Fluorine, Methane)). This CFC endanger the Earth's Ozon layer and makes it thinner, thinner, and thinner.

2. CO2

CO2 (carbondioxide) is a gas on our atmosphere that makes green house effect (if the heat from the sun goes into earth it will trapped inside the atmosphere). This green house effect also makes the temperature goes higher, higher, and higher. It also makes the ice in both pole on our earth melts, and if it melts the water level is going to raise up quickly. The carbondioxide also causes Hypercapnia (this disease caused by the enormous level of carbondioxide in the alveoli).

3. Plastic
Plastic needs thousands of years to decompose itself, at exactly 450-500 years! Now we actually already create decomposable plastic. It only took 1-2 years to decompose itself, but we also have to minimize the usage of plastic. Plastic itself contains a lot of dangerous chemical compounds that can danger our body and earth. There is a lot of plastic variants that already developed and also many purposes that available.

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